Sunday, November 27, 2011


Johnson,S.(2011). S. Cohen(Ed),50 Essay (pp.196-201)Boston: Bedford st martin.

In the essay "Games" by Steven Johnson he talks about the negative and positive of reading and playing video games. Johnson discusses how reading is good. the benefits of reading: effort, concentration, attention, the ability to make sense of words, to follow narrative threads, to sculpt imagined worlds out of mere sentences on a page. He also talks about how video games are good because it improves your visual intelligence, your manual dexterity, and hand eye coordination but what he doesn't mention is how video games help improve social skills. There are also games out there today that actually teach kids how to read. I feel as though Johnson had a good point about books when he wrote this but i do believe that video games are taking over and involving into so much more then pong. The today's video games can go anywhere whether its teaching you to read or learn a new language or even taking you to a new world to fight mystical creatures and solve mysteries by reading and finding clues or even just shooting the bad guy with your friends online from other states and countries video games can pretty much do it all and help all types of needs.

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